Hi there guys! I don't know if this is considered TMI, but I'm actually sitting in the bath posting about bath bombs. The other day I took a trip to the mall with a couple of friends and waltzed into the Lush store. Although I had no intention of buying anything I waltzed back out with these three items in hand. I wouldn't consider these to be my FAVORITE but I do really enjoy using them. This post isn't much of a review however I'll briefly mention the reason behind the purchase. I did order several more bath bombs online so maybe I'll do reviews for those ones in the future. Until then, I hope you enjoy all the little blurbs. Here goes:
Ickle Baby Bot |
This tiny little robot that appears to be contaminated by the Space Girl bath bomb is fully blue and turns your bath water into a beautiful ocean-y color. I really appreciate this one since I often have trouble sleeping, or even just relaxing in general. This bomb contains lavender which is probably my favorite scent. I can't stress enough how mellow it makes me feel every time I drop it into the water. I also really like this because it's one of the cheaper bombs from Lush:)
Butterball |
Before this run to Lush, I had not tried Butterball. From numerous the British Youtube community (aka Zoella, Tanya Burr, and SprinklofGlittr) I heard that this one is very hydrating for the skin and boy were they right! After using this my skin felt SO soft plus the bath smelt really, really good. The only thing that was disappointing was the fact that it doesn't really color my bath water some interesting color. I was able to look past it though since it smelled like Vanilla and the Cocoa Butter did wonders to my very very ashy legs (TMI?). I would definitely purchase this again.
Space Girl |
I've had this bath bomb before but I have to say that I think I liked it better the first time. Don't get me wrong, it's still a really great one, but it is a lot less fragrant them I remember. It is also the one I am using right now. It does make my bath a bit red-orangish which seems fun, but I wish I could get more of a nice smell out of it. I can't say I'm completely disappointed because I did spot a few specks of glitter which is always really fun.
The Bathtub |
Oh and here's a picture of my bath.
Hopefully, my Lush package will come in time for me to make another post about the products. I may or may not have time to do a full review since I will be off to Europe at the beginning of April (I'm super excited!). Have a wonderful day y'all!
Vy aka the Lush lover